Cairn Conservation Carers

Free Bat Walk and Bug Hunt weekends

Formed in 2001 Cairn  Conservation Carers group was formed with two main aims (1) To improve the biodiversity and (2) To improve and maintain the numerous paths, create new ones and rediscover some original ones.

The Cairn Nature Reserve, an historic woodland and grassland area of about 15 acres, standing approximately 520ft above sea level on the southern outskirts of the town with a variety of paths winding their way through the site.

The group continue with the conservation works clearing bramble, bracken etc in specific areas in order to provide improved habitats for wildflowers, birds and butterflies while leaving some areas of bracken untouched, as these provide habitats for some butterflies and birds and provide shelter for small mammals.

They are supported by North Devon Council and the group meets every two weeks (weather permitting) and spends the morning on a range of tasks including tree planting, path improvements, meadow management and scrub clearance. January they undertake their annual bird box survey and they run regular free Bat Walk and Bug Hunt weekends.