Ilfracombe Coast U3A
Meet people, learn new skills and have fun! If you are no longer in full-time employment now’s the time to make the most of your life. The U3A gives you the chance to enjoy the things you have always wanted to do and to make new friends.
The University of the Third Age (U3A) is a nationwide organisation based on local groups providing opportunities for retired and semi-retired people to come together and develop their interests. We are not a university in the traditional sense. We don’t study for qualifications. We just enjoy taking part and meeting people.
It’s all voluntary – members share their knowledge and experience by organising a set of interest groups, running informal activity sessions covering a wide range of subjects and activities. There are learning opportunities, outdoor pursuits, social events and outings on offer.
Please click on the website link above and explore our Events and Groups pages. We hope you find something of interest. If not and you have any ideas for activities we would love to hear from you. You can contact us via the website.
Our primary meetings are a monthly lunch held on the second Thursday of the month at different local venues, and a coffee morning meeting held on the fourth Friday of the month. We welcome guests to both.